GLI Tamilnadu

GLI {UK} and GOODWILL (INDIA) Tamilnadu Networking Initiative

Global Links Initiative( a registered company and a charity in the United Kingdom has entered into a partnership agreement with GOODWILL on 6th October 2007 to work together to provide services and capacity building programmes for GLI Networkers in Tamilnadu, now numbering over 300.This formal agreement deepens and strengthens the friendship, respect and collaboration that already existed between our two organisations and enables us to work even more closely together on practical local initiatives, exchanges and projects. Goodwill is taking on the role of GLI representative and ambassador in serving the needs of GLI Networkers and local NGOs in Tamilnadu. Part of this new role is to take over the management and creation of the Tamilnadu content for the GLI English Language Website recording the inspiring stories of local GLI Networkers, news of their projects and activities and sharing their experiences and expertise with the wider GLI Global network.

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